Kibo Eyecare
Kibo Eyecare is an expanding optometry practice, based out of Glastonbury, Connecticut (formerly TotalVision Eyecare). Kibo Summit is the highest point on Mount Kilimanjaro. Loosely translated, Kibo means "greatness" and it inspired the approach behind the brand identity of Dr. David Cartwright's new eye care center.
David spent several years in the Peace Corps on the boarder of Tanzania. It's where he began practicing eye care, met his wife, and made many life-long friends. When he came to Hunter Design Studio, David was in need of a unique brand identity that effectively intertwined the summit, his new practice name, and a mission of giving back.
We worked together to develop a logo design and brand system that first identified as eye care, and upon a second glance, also provided context on the name of the practice. It was important to include the summit silhouette in elements where space allowed, and to have a simpler version of the logo for more common uses.
To learn more about Kibo Eyecare, visit tvglast.com. Stay tuned for a new website, office signage, and branded interior design updates to come!
Responsive Logo Design
Brand Identity
Brand Guidelines
Custom Illustration & Icon